The purpose of medical treatment with the filler is to correct wrinkles, but also sagging or emptying of the face and body, through the filling and stimulation of the dermis with cross-linked hyaluronic acid. The treatment reduces the depth of wrinkles and restores vitality and freshness to the skin.
With botulinum we can relax expression lines with a lifting effect on the forehead. The best results are obtained at the level of the upper facial area, on the horizontal forehead wrinkles, on the vertical ones between the eyebrows and on the periocular ones in the so-called “crow’s feet” area. Botox is also used for the treatment of excess sweating of the armpits, hands and feet.
The pulling threads are used to create a minilifting effect on the face, resolving the problem of cutaneous sagging and bringing the tissues back to their natural position. It is a minimally invasive technique that is carried out with local anesthesia in a doctor’s office.
The hyaluronic acid enriched with a dermor-structuring complex of amino acids, antioxidants, peptides, vitamins and minerals, curates the skin by redensifying it and nourishing it deeply. These nutrients fight aging by destroying free radicals produced by sunlight and pollution.
Platelet-rich plasma is a biorigenerative therapy where, using cells from the patient’s blood, another concentration of growth factors is obtained that favor the regeneration and repair process of all the tissues (skin, hair, cartilage, etc.).
It is a biorododeling treatment that stimulates the production of collagen and elastic and has as therapeutic indications the rejuvenation of the face and the treatment of acne scars and stretch marks.
It is a non-invasive treatment that uses various types of acid solutions, in different concentrations to remove the outer layers of damaged skin together with possible skin spots, excess of sebum and dead cells. In addition to this it stimulates the regeneration of the skin in depth, improves and smoothes the texture of the dermis, reducing the small wrinkles and creating a uniform and luminous complexion.
By subcutaneous injection of a specific solution of antioxidants, bioflavonoids, victims, minerals and lipolytic agents it is possible to eliminate the small localized fat and resistant to diets without resorting to surgery. In some cases it can be practiced after liposuction to perfect the results.